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New Year -New Start

New Years Resolutions-

See...and I use the word RESOLVE in a "negative" way and hell maybe I'm using it incorrectly..
  • to reduce by mental analysis
  • to come to a definite or earnest decision about

But usually it's something along the lines of

"I have resolved that my inlaws are always going to be assholes."


"I have have resolved myself to the fact that my Mother has no clue what she's done in the past."

So saying New Year's Resolutions sounds like I'm giving up.

My 2007

  • Hopes
  • Goals
  • Targets
  • Missions
  • Ambition
  • Duties

Whatever (anything is better than RESOLUTION)

  1. Spend more time with my family actually BEING with them-rather than observing something we are involved in.
  2. Try and be more patient with my husband. - I've tried to explain to him that if he just woke up a Rockefeller tomorrow..I could be a stay at home Mom and the pressure of being gone 11-12 hours a day would help me be much more attentive to him and our home.
  3. Lose the weight- I'm not even going to try and trick myself by putting out a number that is ridiculous. If I could be down a dress size by June when Kyle graduates that would be great. Where I end up at year end...as long as it's ATLEAST 20 lbs less than NOW, for me will be a great goal attained.
  4. Drink more water- One would think this would be easy but I act as though there is a shortage on the stuff sometimes.
  5. Get the finances in shape- This will require me being a bit of stickler with my DH and my dear son. It will require more planning on my part for meal preparation and anticipating nights we will be on the run and having something prepared rather than driving thru or getting Subway. It's a big job but I think I'm prepared and ready to get started.
  6. Continue to keep a good mindset regarding my inlaws and their indifference to my husband and our children-This was a a 2006 goal and I may have fallen off the wagon a few times but I've always managed to catch the wagon and hop right back on. I've noticed less tension with my husband on this level and so now when I'm REALLY angry I fight the good fights..otherwise I've really been trying to pick my battles and when it's not important...not traumatize Jeff with my own insecurities about them.
  7. Carve out more time for myself- THIS is a very hard one. I adore my family and all that it entails..but sometimes I see my books collecting dust or my journal and I just want to cry. I want to steal 30 minutes for myself and whole up somewhere.

I think I should stop at 7..

Happy New Year to Everyone!


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