Pomp and Circumstances
I had every intention of blogging on Friday before I went out of town..and things just got away from me.
Friday night at 8pm CST we left to go up North to the UP to see Jeff's family. We arrived at 3am CST and 4am local time.
Circumstances beyond my control left me with the following:
- Jeff's nephew is HIGH FREAKING MAINTENANCE and because of this...
- Jeff's sister is HIGH STRUNG the entire time and reminds me "Just how lucky" I am to have a child that isn't high maintenance....all while huffing and puffing around me and Casey.
- Jeff and his Dad had a running argument all weekend...ready? Per Jeff's Dad...anyone that buys bottled water is a dumbass and you don't need power windows in your car.
- We drove 8 hours to be exhausted and see the actual graduate for 20 minutes.
- At some point my digital camera died.
- Our normal 8 hour drive home...ended up taking almost 9 because Casey started full out crying about 2 hours from home and we had to get out of the vehicle when she'd been crying for nearly 45 minutes STRAIGHT. She then cried another 25 standing in a parking lot of McDonald's. We finally managed to bride her with ice cream and she ran around for 20 minutes and then we managed to get her back in the car and finish the last 2 hours of the trip. What is the first thing out of Jeff's Mom's mouth when we call to tell her we are almost home???? "Well if you made the trip MORE OFTEN she'd be more used to the drive." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Twice a year is twice too many.
So because of this.....I had a super duper clingy child all day Tuesday but we did manage to get to Best Buy to get a new Sony Cybershot for only $65 out of my pocket (thank you for saving gift cards from Christmas and birthdays).
WHY do I need a new camera?
Because TONIGHT is son's 8th grade graduation. My baby is graduating tonight.
So basically my day consists of ironing 10 items for the family, charging the battery and running somewhere to get him black dress socks and tissue for the ceremony.
Lord knows I'm gonna need it.